I help adults with ADHD live life happier.

I can help you too.

Janine Wright-Giustizia, PCC, PCAC, QPQC

Professional ADHD Coach


Trust yourself.
Make decisions.
Run your own life.
Live with confidence.
Realize your potential.
See a future of possibilities!

You know ADHD is impacting your life, your work, and your happiness.

You have a unique brain that has you experience the world in unique ways!

You have achieved success in so many ways yet often feel stressed, overwhelmed, and unsure how to manage everyday tasks.

I get it.

Build your mental fitness and resilience with tools to quiet negative thinking, and reconnect with your inner spark!

Improve your executive function skills with structure, strategies, and habits that work for you.

Let’s get started!

Certified ADHD Life Coach London Ontario Canada

Life by Choice = Mindset + Strategies

A personalized approach for living your life with greater confidence!

I partner with career-oriented adults who want to navigate life or work transitions, manage career demands, or adjust to a recent ADHD diagnosis with greater ease.

As your coach, I will help you understand your unique brain-wiring and recognize your brilliance!

There are no magic wands. You have to be ready to do the work, and I will be there with you!

This is a safe space. It’s your space. You get to be yourself without judgment.

Action-oriented. Forward-focused.

ADHD Life Coach and Executive Function Coach

ADHD Coaching Options tailored to you.


  • Build greater awareness of ADHD and it’s impact on your daily life.

  • Find new approaches to everyday challenges at work and home with strategies and structure.

  • Quiet the shame, guilt, and worried feelings of uncertainty for greater confidence overall.

Ideal for those starting a new career, facing a life change, managing demands of post-secondary school or struggling to get momentum in a complex project.

6-hours of coaching over 2-3 months.


  • Uncover the self-sabotaging thought patterns that have developed through a lifetime of living with ADHD

  • Learn how to shift your mindset for more positive outcomes.

  • Build momentum with strategies to support your executive function at work, school or home.

Ideal for those who are ready to take a deep dive into personal and professional growth. This partnership includes the Positive Intelligence® Toolkit and personalized resources.

10-hours of coaching over 6 months.